Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The Forgotten Ways.

I've been reading the book The Forgotten Ways - Reactivating the missional church by Alan Hirsch. Hirsch is a pastor/church planter/missionary in South Melbourn, Australia. Here are a few quotes that have resonated with me:

"Mission must take place in and through every aspect of life. And this is done by Christians everywhere. Both forms of mission - the apostolic mission of the community - as well as the individual expression of God's people must be activated if we are to become a truly missional church."

"I have come to the unnerving conclusion that God's people are more potent by far when they have little of what we would recognize as church institution in their life together."

"Phenomenal Jesus movements grow precisely because they do not have centralized institutions to block growth through control... remarkable Jesus movements have the feel of a movement, have structure as a network, and spread like viruses."

"...we ought to try and see how we can engage our culture on its own turf (missional), rather than expecting them to come to ours (attractional)."

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